Show Me the Motion - Teaching Music Through Movement
Turn Your World Around
in 5/4
Follow Me (Music - Butterfly - Rajaton)
-Through movement, tell the story of two “hand critters” who meet, become friends, and fly together. One dies, the other mourns, then continues to fly. In the end, they become one butterfly. Students experience the music and story through mirroring.
Follow Each Other (Music - O Magnum Mysterium - Chanticleer)
-Students being mirroring by spelling their names - as big as they can - slowly to music. A partner mirrors. Switch roles. Try spelling other short words, and let the follower guess what the word was.
Imitation in a Diamond (The Swan from Saint Saen’s Carnival of the Animals)
-Rather than mirroring, students create a diamond shape in groups of four. Choose a leader and everyone faces the leader, who’s back is to the other three. The leader moves while the rest of the diamond follow. When the leader turns, the group turns, thus creating another leader.
Mirroring - Hidden Leader (Prayer of the Children - Sea Chanters)
-Students sit facing a partner. When the music begins, students begin moving, but they move so slowly that a watcher cannot tell who is the leader. The goal is to be so in touch with the partner and the music that the participants cannot tell who is the leader.
Mirroring and Imitation in a Diamond (Faure Pavane - King Singers)
Formation: Four students facing across a diamond, with a line of students behind each leader.
Activity: Center students are facing a partner and mirror with a “hidden leader,” mirroring across the diamond. Students in lines behind imitate the person in front of them.
When the music suggests it and the spirit moves you, leaders move to the end of the line.
New leaders move up to take their place.
Turn Your World Around
in 5/4
Mirroring to Music - A Sequence
Walk the pattern, stepping on the 8th note, then the dotted quarter and quarter.
Transfer pattern to Conga and BX.
2)Teach Recorder Parts.
3)Teach other instrument parts through echoing and body percussion
4)Group students into “Fire” “Water” “Mountain.” Groups work together to create movement for their turn.
*The melody and lyrics from Harry Belafonte’s
“Turn the World Around” can be performed with this accompaniment.
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