Put Pizazz in your Teaching Process ...
Add Movement, Add a Challenge, Add Some Fun!
So -- What is Gilding the Lily?
Putting Pizazz in Your Process
This song is great for teaching the entire diatonic scale with Solfeggio.
After you learn it, take out the scale and use hand signs.
Have contests for which classroom “Team” can sign it fastest and clearest.
Sing it in Canon at two measures.
Sing it in Canon at one measure.
Sing it in Canon at two beats.
Sing it in Canon at one beat. This will create a mass of sound - every note in the scale at once.
Sing it in Canon - one person at a time.
Then sing it in Canon “at will” -- each student can begin whenever the spirit moves them.
Add Movement -- Suggestions:
Walk around the room while singing in canon. Try to get your classmates “mixed up” by signing with vigor.
Create one movement for the first and third sections (m 1-2 and 5-6) and
a second movement for the scale passages.
Then try it in the suggested canons.
Another Do Re Mi Song
Teaching Suggestions
The addition of a challenge is a great way to
add a little spark to your lessons.
“Another Do Re Mi Song” has several teaching opportunities within your curriculum.
It also has some great opportunities to present your students with a new challenge.
If you’re students have never performed canons on one beat, it’s great fun.
If they’ve never performed a canon that is not in traditional harmony, this is also a big surprise. First singing the canon more traditionally, then putting it in one beat gives you the opportunity to discuss harmony -- and dissonance!
Finally, adding movement - whether merely walking the beat as they listen to the amazing new sounds around them, or seeing the canon come to life visually through movement . . .
It’s . . . GILDING THE LILY!!!
Take a Canon, Add some Movement and a Challenge!